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Mountain Spirits Adventures
Trekking and teahouse tours and mountaineering in Nepal.

Annapurna Circuit
Personal travelogue of a 200 mile hike in Nepal.

My Travel Diaries
Traveled from Australia to do the three-week journey of the Annapurna Circuit.

Socialtours.com travels & tours.
Premier soft adventure specialist working in the field of ethical and responsible travel in Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan and India.

Trekking In Nepal
A trvelogue of trekking in Annapurna and mountain region of Nepal.

Kathmandu Portfolio
Photos and essay of Kathmandu, 1970-1974, by photographer Ira Cohen.

Nepal Reiseberichte
Reiseberichte zweier individueller Rundreisen durch Nepal 2004 und 2006, mit Karte und Bildern, Tipps und allgemeine Informationen ueber Nepal. Link zum Reiseveranstalter.

Base Camp Cyber Cafe Operation
Information about Base Camp Cyber Cafe Operation journal, Mt. Everest, Namche Chautari, Sherpas of Khumbu, Sherpa Festivals, other links and moments of the operation on pictures.

Portrait from Limbuwan
Portrait from Limbuwan means Life in Aakashe (the sky). We can see the portraits of different periods here.


Nepal Standard Time
October 6, 2024, 7:18 PM
Foreign Exchange Rates
s="text-info font-weight-semi-bold font-size-s">(For the purpose of Nepal Rastra Bank Note: Under the present system the open market exchange rates quoted by different banks may differ.
Currency Unit Buy Sell
U.S. Dollar 1 134.06 134.66
European Euro 1 147.89 148.56
UK Pound Sterling 1 176.55 177.34
Swiss Franc 1 157.47 158.17
Australian Dollar 1 91.72 92.13
Canadian Dollar 1 98.91 99.35
Singapore Dollar 1 103.31 103.77
Japanese Yen 10 9.15 9.19
Chinese Yuan 1 19.10 19.19
Saudi Arabian Riyal 1 35.70 35.86
Qatari Riyal 1 36.78 36.94
Thai Baht 1 4.05 4.07
UAE Dirham 1 36.50 36.66
Malaysian Ringgit 1 31.77 31.91
South Korean Won 100 10.01 10.05
Swedish Kroner 1 13.04 13.10
Danish Kroner 1 19.83 19.92
Hong Kong Dollar 1 17.27 17.35
Kuwaity Dinar 1 438.12 440.08
Bahrain Dinar 1 355.48 357.07