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Nepali Songs
ONLINE nepali songs, stream play, create & save playlists, search songs, artists and albums.

Nepali lyrics
The search of nepali lyrics ends here.You can find most of the lyrics with videos.You can also see videos and sing with them reading the lyrics.Ain't that cool

Sur Sudha
Nepal’s Musical Ambassadors, devoted to making music to disseminate a universal message of peace and harmony supporting the effort alleviate poverty from the face of the earth.

Nepali Song Chord
Up-to-date Guitar chords for Nepali songs.

Nepali Songs (MP3)
Download and listen the evergreen Nepali songs.

Sounds of Nepal
Resource for Nepali music includes soothing Nepali Pop, Newari, Nepali Folk and Instrumentals.

Voice of Nepal
Some new and remixed songs from the two artists.

Nepali Song
Select the Nepalese artists and play the respective songs in alphabetical order.

Kathmandu Jazz Festival
Information on the first ever Jazz festival held in Nepal.

Nepali MP3
Download Nepali MP3 songs of your choice.


Nepal Standard Time
October 6, 2024, 7:06 PM
Foreign Exchange Rates
s="text-info font-weight-semi-bold font-size-s">(For the purpose of Nepal Rastra Bank Note: Under the present system the open market exchange rates quoted by different banks may differ.
Currency Unit Buy Sell
U.S. Dollar 1 134.06 134.66
European Euro 1 147.89 148.56
UK Pound Sterling 1 176.55 177.34
Swiss Franc 1 157.47 158.17
Australian Dollar 1 91.72 92.13
Canadian Dollar 1 98.91 99.35
Singapore Dollar 1 103.31 103.77
Japanese Yen 10 9.15 9.19
Chinese Yuan 1 19.10 19.19
Saudi Arabian Riyal 1 35.70 35.86
Qatari Riyal 1 36.78 36.94
Thai Baht 1 4.05 4.07
UAE Dirham 1 36.50 36.66
Malaysian Ringgit 1 31.77 31.91
South Korean Won 100 10.01 10.05
Swedish Kroner 1 13.04 13.10
Danish Kroner 1 19.83 19.92
Hong Kong Dollar 1 17.27 17.35
Kuwaity Dinar 1 438.12 440.08
Bahrain Dinar 1 355.48 357.07